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Activity Report 2022-23

During the year the Loomba Foundation continued educating children of poor widows, empowering impoverished widows and advocating for the welfare of widows and single mothers. The highlight of the year was to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Foundation as the charity was initially established in 1997 in the UK. 5th April 2022: Group Marriage […]

Readmit Zimbabwe to Commonwealth, Lord Loomba urges

It would be better to work with Zimbabwe within the Commonwealth to address its continuing failings in democracy and human rights than to ostracise the country, crossbench Peer LordLoomba told the House of Lords in a Grand Committee debate today [12 January 2023].  Noting that humanitarian organisations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have reported continuing human rights […]

International Widows Day commemoration 2023

“Discrimination against widows has existed for centuries,” India’s solicitor general Mr Tushar Mehta told dinner guests at the UK House of Lords, adding that “as the most populous country, the largest democracy and the fastest-growing economy in the world, India has animportant part to play in finding solutions to challenges and creating a sustainable world for everyone.  Mr Mehta […]

The Loomba Foundation and USISPF announce an investment of USD 400000 to empower widows in India

The Loomba Foundation and USISPF also addressed the poverty, injustice and complete lack of opportunities for millions of widows across the globe at this reception The Loomba Foundation and USISPF also addressed the poverty, injustice and complete lack of opportunities for millions of widows across the globe at this reception New Delhi: The Loomba Foundation, an international UN accreditedNGO dedicated to improving the lives of widows […]