2019-20 has been another year full of achievements for the Loomba Foundation and we continued educating children of poor widows, empowering impoverished widows. We have also organised several events in India and the UK, to raise awareness of the plight of widows and their children. Education Programme: The Loomba Foundation continued educating 20 children […]
Education Programmes: Our programmes to educate the children of impoverished widows in India have been at the heart of The Loomba Foundation since its Foundation was established 18 years ago, and 2014-15 has been another milestone year with 1693 students benefiting in 13 states. We partnered with the Hinduja Foundation in five states – Andhra […]
2007-08 2007: A Significant Year for The Loomba Trust It has indeed been a momentous year and we are determined to build on the foundations we have laid both in India and internationally. During the year, the Trust has organised events in the UK, USA and India both to raise awareness and the much-needed funds. […]
29th November 2007 The Loomba Foundation, a sister charity of the Loomba Trust, founded to benefit widows and children around the world hosted a Diwali dinner at the United Nations, honouring First Lady Laura Bush, and Craig Barrett, Chairman of the Board, Intel Corporation, for their leadership in education on Thursday, November 29, 2007. Mrs. […]
OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Loomba Foundation are to promote the welfare and education of children of poor widows, orphaned children, and also children who have lost their mothers, as a result of natural disaster and for other auxiliary purposes as the Foundation may determine. The Foundation aims to expand its education programmes nationwide to […]
Profile The Trust was established in the UK on 26 June 1997. It was created by Raj and Veena Loomba by charitable trust deed, and has a sister charity registered in India. The inspiration came from Raj’s late mother, Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba, who became a widow at the age of 37 and succeeded in […]
OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Loomba Trust are to promote the welfare and education of children of poor widows, orphaned children, and also children who have lost their mothers, as a result of natural disaster and for other auxiliary purposes as the trustees may determine. The Trust aims to expand its educational programmes nationwide to […]
“Discrimination against widows has existed for centuries,” India’s solicitor general Mr Tushar Mehta told dinner guests at the UK House of Lords, adding that “as the most populous country, the largest democracy and the fastest-growing economy in the world, India has animportant part to play in finding solutions to challenges and creating a sustainable world for everyone. Mr Mehta […]
The Loomba Foundation and USISPF also addressed the poverty, injustice and complete lack of opportunities for millions of widows across the globe at this reception The Loomba Foundation and USISPF also addressed the poverty, injustice and complete lack of opportunities for millions of widows across the globe at this reception New Delhi: The Loomba Foundation, an international UN accreditedNGO dedicated to improving the lives of widows […]
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