2007-08 2007: A Significant Year for The Loomba Trust It has indeed been a momentous year and we are determined to build on the foundations we have laid both in India and internationally. During the year, the Trust has organised events in the UK, USA and India both to raise awareness and the much-needed funds. […]
OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Loomba Foundation are to promote the welfare and education of children of poor widows, orphaned children, and also children who have lost their mothers, as a result of natural disaster and for other auxiliary purposes as the Foundation may determine. The Foundation aims to expand its education programmes nationwide to […]
Profile The Trust was established in the UK on 26 June 1997. It was created by Raj and Veena Loomba by charitable trust deed, and has a sister charity registered in India. The inspiration came from Raj’s late mother, Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba, who became a widow at the age of 37 and succeeded in […]
OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Loomba Trust are to promote the welfare and education of children of poor widows, orphaned children, and also children who have lost their mothers, as a result of natural disaster and for other auxiliary purposes as the trustees may determine. The Trust aims to expand its educational programmes nationwide to […]